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Inspiration,Vision, Mission

Our Inspiration
Late Shri Srichand Bharadwaj
October 1912- October 1993

You reposed faith in us to be the torch bearer of your cherished ideals and taught us that only discipline, hard work, sincerity, devotion and sterling qualities of the head, heart and soul together can make noble dreams come true.

ABSS Institute of Technology is inspired the life of late Shri Srichand Bharadwaj, a teacher of English and Mathematics at Digamabar Jain College Baraut (U.P.). Shri S.C. Bharadwaj lost his father at the age of two and was brought up by his grandfather late Pandit Shivsahay. The importance of education was very much realized by his grandfather at that time and therefore he was sent to Pillani for his high school and then he did his graduation from Meerut College, earlier affiliated to Agra University. He started his career from European Marwari School, Malabar Hill Bombay but his roots brought him back to Baraut, a small town of Uttar Pradesh.

There are people in this world who give so much to society but live in isolation, they deliver their duties sincerely, and they never complain for anything, they are the people who give meaning to life.

Let me live unseen unknown, thus unlamented let me die and not a stone tell where I lie.

To become a center of excellence in Technical, Management & Pharmacy education that enable all ABSSIT students to experience an unparalleled educational journey that is intellectually, socially and personally transformative.

To generate new knowledge by engaging in cutting edge research in core and emerging areas and provide students an environment that shapes them into ethical, creative and responsible professionals.